Pre-Doctoral Grants

Call for pre-doctoral grants


Until June 30th, a call is open for two PhD theses in the field of research for human development called by UPC.

Within the framework established by the United Nations with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals, research and innovation in science and technology are key to being able to respond for the improvement of living conditions for all, without leaving anyone behind.

In this sense, UPC has published a call for predoctoral grants linked to the Center of Cooperation for Development (CCD). The call is financed with resources from the 0.7% Campaign, which adds to the institutional contribution, the voluntary contributions of students, administration, teaching and research staff, and which constitutes the solidarity fund of UPC.

The projects in which the doctoral theses must be framed must be oriented towards the reduction of poverty, inequalities and programs that can directly benefit vulnerable populations in countries or regions with low or very low HDI.

The management of these doctoral scholarships will be done through the CCD. You will find the terms and the rest of the information in this link (information available in catalan):