The Structure

The CCD gets organize with a very small amount of people, with the aim to offer fast and adequate response to the solidarity initiatives proposed within the community of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and from other social actors in our country or in developing countries, trying to minimize as much as possible the operational expenses.

The decision making depends of a Council integrated by three honorary members and six elect members, who are appointed by the Governing Council of the UPC. The Council is composed by members coming from the different collectives of the University Community –students, professors and administrative and services staff–, together with some other persons from UPC that serve as advisors, for what they should prove significant experience on the cooperation field.

The President, the direction level, the Center Coordinator and the three technical staff that support the projects execution compose the direction structure. The collaboration of Assistant Scholars increases the CCD action capacity.

We would like to emphasize that the CCD wouldn't be possible without a wide volunteering base within the university Community, as well as the support and implication of the general UPC services, that collaborate with all the organization and the management procedures related to the programs.


CCD Structure:


Gemma Fargas Ribas


Xavier Ortega Roig


Emiliana Marqués Soriano

Eva Vendrell i Sarroca