Images of the South

Photo contest that targets members of the university community of the UPC who have participated in development cooperation activities undertaken throughout 2013.
The main objective of the contest is to spread the different realities of the South and to promote and give recognition to the active participation of the university community of the UPC in the fields of solidarity and development cooperation.
All persons working with the UPC (students, faculty and administrative staff and services) that have direct activities of development cooperation undertaken throughout the year 2013, under the proposals have received support can participate CCD through the corresponding call for aid.
In the left menu attached a collection of winning photographs from all expansions.

The main objective of the competition is to spread the different realities of the South and to promote and give recognition to the active participation of the university community of the UPC in the fields of solidarity and development cooperation.

All members of UPC community (students, faculty and administrative staff and services) who have participate in activities of development cooperation with the support of the CCD.