2007 Photographs

1ST PRIZE / Projects

1ST PRIZE / Reality

Nena graduant-se
Tot rentant l’olla

2ND PRIZE / Projects

2ND PRIZE / Reality

Desenvolupant junts


Tinc una pregunta Viure justament Passant el temps a El Fortín

1ST PRIZE / Open

La muchacha de Tonle Sap Paciència

See the rest of photos submitted to the competition at DHS Portal
An you can also ask for the photographs for an exhibition in your school or faculty.
Contact us at  info.ccd@upc.edu

See the rest of photos submitted to the competition at
DHS Portal
And you can also ask for the photographs for an exhibition in your school or faculty. 
Contact us at info.ccd@upc.edu


The images are protected by copyright, just ask us for using them.